An 8-Week Project to Live Bigger and Rest Better

Let’s journey together habit stacking a 20 minute, 3 times a week practice that will move your mind, your body, and your chemistry - all while building daily activity integrated behaviors that help you live bigger and rest better.

Pre-Enroll Now To Secure Your Spot

Here's A Breakdown Of The Curriculum

Break through anxiety. Gain more insight, focus, and balance. Rest, relax and perform better through this 8-week guided online breath journey.

Good Breathing is Better Than Box Breathing

Learn to play with the two breathe variable - rate & volume. Understand the mindset & mechanics of good breathing.

Active Meditation

Learn how to activate your mind and your breath to move together.

The Vast Landscape of Breath Work

Be intentional with your breath practice - mindfulness, over breathing, under breathing

Breath for Better Performance, Not Just Relaxation

Building tolerance to higher level of CO2 of better physical power and mental clarity as well as integration brainstorming.

Liberate Your Body Free with Great Breath Mechanics

Learn how to mechanically directing the breath to different areas

Super-Charge Your Re-charge Time

Learn the importance of restorative time – bumping up your readiness. Resonant breathing and restorative time

Your Protective Shield to Anxiety

Breath practice to massage your anxiety system, and walk it back to the place you want it. Reset your nervous system by improving vagus nerve tone

Putting it All Together & Leverage Your Dead Zones

How to use breath and mind practices to improve the odds of success. Prioritizing connecting the breath to these times: waking up the dead zones.

Dr. David Deppeler
Breathe Your Truth - Founder, Trainer, Coach

This is work is specially designed for struggles with sleep, fatigue, focus, performance plateaus, long COVID symptoms, chronic pain, hot flashes and brain fog?

During our 8-weeks together we will journey beyond the basics of breathwork

Learn more daily integration practices that require no extra time to reach improved states of health and performance. We’ll swing open the gates for specific practices based on individual preferences.

Most importantly, the goal of this program it to help the individual acquire the profound skill of being able to simply sit, breathe, and improve your health and performance – a skill typically only obtained by decades of meditative practice.

Why This Course Is For You...

The benefits of breathing better are clearer thinking, greater ease of movement, better regulation of emotions, improved sleep and digestion. Essentially, we get healthier, we mentally and physically perform better.  Life gets better. 

Breath Catalyst Begins Sept 5th at 7pm Eastern US

Take advantage of this limited promotional pricing offer before it expires.

Normally $697

Satisfaction Guarantee

We are confident that this course will improve the quality of your life, if you put the information gained from the course into practice.

Gain deep insights into your own breathing

  • Break through anxiety. Gain more insight, focus, and balance.
  • Rest, relax and perform better through this 8-week guided online breath journey.

Can't wait to see you inside.

David Deppeler - Your BYT Instructor

Frequently Asked Questions

This is an 8-week guided online program designed to promote health and performance through advanced breathwork techniques. Participants will explore the mechanics, physiology (the mix), and mental aspects of breathing, learning how to integrate effective practices into daily life without additional time commitment.

This program is ideal for individuals experiencing issues such as sleep disturbances, fatigue, focus problems, performance plateaus, long COVID symptoms, chronic pain, hot flashes, and brain fog. It's also perfect for those looking to deeply understand and improve their breathing for better health and performance.

Participants are required to have completed "The Optimal Breathing Blueprint" before enrolling in this program to ensure a foundational understanding of the concepts that will be expanded upon

The program includes:

  • 8 main sessions (45 minutes each, live online and recorded for later access).
    • Each session features a mini-lecture (10-20 minutes), a practice session (20-30 minutes), and an assignment explanation (5 minutes).
  • 8 Q&A sessions (45 minutes each, live online and recorded).
    • The first 20 minutes are dedicated to answering pre-submitted questions, followed by 25 minutes of live Q&A.

All sessions, both main and Q&A, will be recorded and made available on the course platform on Thinkific for participants to revisit at their convenience.

Participants can submit their questions in advance through the course platform. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions live during the latter part of each Q&A session.

While this course is beneficial for general health improvement, if you have a specific medical condition, it is always recommended to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new health program to ensure it is safe and suitable for your specific health needs.